The Dudley T. Dougherty Foundation

Mental Health Counseling Request from Homeless/DV Women

Grant Information
Categories Community
Location United States
Cycle Year 2022
Organization Information
Organization Name (provided by applicant) N/A
Organization Name (provided by automatic EIN validation)
Los angeles house of ruth
Secondary Addressee ℅ Los Angeles House of Ruth (LAHR)
EIN 95-3411454
Contact Information
Contact Name Ms. Mary Moore
Phone (949) 677-9982
605 N. Cummings St.
Los Angeles
Additional Information
Used for We are respectfully requesting $30,000 from The Dudley T. Dougherty Foundation to support the salary costs for 2 licensed mental health practitioners, who are qualified with a doctoral (PhD) or master’s degree (MS), for a 1-year period. Specifically, The Dudley T. Dougherty Foundation’s investment of $30,000 will help assist homeless victims of domestic violence to become mentally healthy and, therefore, to become self-sufficient. This grant will help to break the cycle of poverty by assisting homeless mothers achieve mental health and gain the skills necessary to support themselves and their children.
Benefits This grant will change the world by assuring that the next generation of children will break free of the cycle of poverty and violence. LAHR’s Transitional Shelter and Services Program causes a measurable change on the lives of homeless women and children by lifting them out of poverty and homelessness. We empower them to move from abuse and dependency to independence and success through self-sufficiency.
Proposal Description

Through our program, in two years, 25 women and 100 children who have experienced homelessness and domestic violence (DV), will be served with access to emergency shelter, transitional (Bridge) housing, and programs to keep them out of homelessness, reduce the mental health impacts/ trauma experienced through DV and homelessness, and provide services and support to get them into permanent housing.

 As a result, the clients of LAHR’s Transitional Shelter and Services Program will achieve the following outcomes within 12 months in the 2022-2023 grant period:


  1. Outcome 1:  100% of clients (25 women and 100 children) will be rescued from homeless and domestic violence while having access to emergency shelter and services to, including mental health services, benefits assistance, employment services, legal services, and mental health counseling. 
  2. Outcome 2: 90% of clients (22 women and 90 children) will be transitioned to permanent housing and living independently. This is the strongest measure of our program’s success, and best indication of the impact we have on LA’s homeless community.
  1. Outcome 3: 70% of clients (18 women and 70 children) will participated in individual and family counseling to reduce long term impacts of domestic violence and PTSD as well as help improve mental health.


Victims of domestic violence most commonly flee their situations with little to no preparation, often with children, and in dire need of emotional and economic support. LAHR is always prepared to address the emergency needs of these individuals and families, with sensitivity and empathy.


Our primary goal is to provide an effective transitional shelter program that enables our women to overcome barriers to self-sufficiency within two-years. Based on our 44-year history, we can reasonably estimate that outputs for the women we serve in 2022/ 2023 will include:

  1. 75% will participate in DV classes and anger management training – 18 women
  2. 35% will complete parenting classes – 9 women
  3. 65% will complete vocational or job search program - 16 women
  4. 80% will receive a GED or enroll in higher education program or skills classes – 20 women
  5. 85% will acquire permanent employment – 21 women

Victims of domestic violence most commonly flee their situations with little to no preparation, often with children, and in dire need of emotional and economic support. LAHR is always prepared to address the emergency needs of these individuals and families, with sensitivity and empathy.

 Our primary goal is to provide an effective transitional shelter program that enables our women to overcome barriers to self-sufficiency within two-years. Based on our 44-year history, we can reasonably estimate that outputs for the women we serve in 2022/ 2023 will include:

  1. 75% will participate in DV classes and anger management training – 18 women
  2. 35% will complete parenting classes – 9 women
  3. 65% will complete vocational or job search program - 16 women
  4. 80% will receive a GED or enroll in higher education program or skills classes – 20 women
  5. 85% will acquire permanent employment – 21 women

 The money from this grant will be used to support the salary costs of 2 qualified and licensed mental health counselors, who will deliver in house counseling to the resident mothers in out Transitional Shelter and Services Program.