The Dudley T. Dougherty Foundation

Air transport mission for medical care and humanitarian purposes

Grant Information
Categories Healthcare
Location South Texas
Cycle Year 2022
Organization Information
Organization Name (provided by applicant) n/a
Organization Name (provided by automatic EIN validation)
Angel flight inc.
Secondary Addressee ℅ Angel Flight Inc. dba Angel Flight South Central
EIN 75-2406237
Contact Information
Contact Name Mrs. Melanie Carroll
Phone 2148301722
PO Box 2207
Additional Information
Used for Funding will support the coordination and execution of FREE air transportation for South Texas residents seeking medical care and/or humanitarian support not available to them in their local communities, as well as support a community wide effort to recruit additional volunteer pilots and share information on services to those that may benefit.
Benefits Health is not a commodity; it is a right of every resident of the United States and the world as declared in the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). As a direct result of funding, residents of South Texas, without regard to age, gender, race or income, will have increased access to the medical care and specialized treatments that can positively impact their long-term health.
Proposal Description

Angel Flight South Central coordinates and executes FREE air transportation for those in need of critical medical care and humanitarian support in its five-state region (Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico). Services are offered to all individuals in need without regard race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, disability (passengers must be ambulatory), or age. It accomplishes this through a network of more than 1,000 volunteer pilots who use their personal aircraft and financial resources to fly missions.

The process begins with a referral from an individual, medical facility, or social service organization. These referrals come through the Angel Flight South Central's website, as well as by phone and email. Due to the quick turnaround often required, its two staff members immediately onboard and orient any related medical care professionals, pilots, and passengers, letting them know what to expect throughout the process. They also collect and maintain all necessary documentation, records, releases, and waivers to support a safe and comfortable mission. Angel Flight South Central then connects pilots with passengers and provides ongoing guidance, counsel, and coordination until the mission is completed. To ensure missions continue regardless of volunteer pilot availability and weather conditions, Angel Flight South Central also maintains and administers a commercial ticket fund. Through this fund, if the passenger is comfortable and able to fly commercially, Angel Flight South Central can purchase tickets to ensure the passenger can get to their destination without delay, or so they can get home from treatment if Angel Flight South Central is unable to fly them due to adverse weather or other conditions.

Funding from The Dudley T. Dougherty Foundation will be used to support the coordination and execution of critical care and humanitarian missions in South Texas. It will also support a coordinated effort to identify, train and retain additional volunteer pilots which will allow for an increased capacity to meet the South Texas demand for services.