The Dudley T. Dougherty Foundation

Lott Canada Alumni Association (LCAA), a non-profit, 501-3(c) organization that owns, operates, and manages the Charles Major Lytle American Legion facility located in Beeville Texas.

Grant Information
Categories Community
Location South Texas
Cycle Year 2021
Organization Information
Organization Name (provided by applicant) Lott Canada Alumni Association
Organization Name (provided by automatic EIN validation)
Website http://N/A
Contact Information
Contact Name Karen Martin and joanna o'riley
Phone 321-591-0824 or 830-947-3549
P.O. Box 4062, Beeville, Texas 78102
1004 Hefferman Street, Beeville, Texas 78102
Additional Information
Used for This funding request is submitted to enable renovations and upgrades to be done to the men and women restrooms in the Charles Major Lytle American Legion facility. The renovated upgrades will include taking measures to satisfy current public restroom building codes and safety standards associated with ADA guideline requirements.
Benefits The Beeville community currently has limited facilities available for individuals to conduct personal events. Fortunately however, the Charles Major Lytle American Legion facility aids in satisfying a social need that ultimately fosters community enrichment in Beeville and surrounding communities beyond.
Proposal Description As an organization, LCAA's mission and objective is to operate and manage the Charles Major Lytle American Legion facility for the benefit of serving veterans, seniors, and youth communities in Beeville. In this effort, due to the facility's aging and existing outdated building structures, LCAA would like to obtain funds to conduct much needed upgrades and structural renovations in the women and men restrooms. The upgrades and renovations conducted will include necessary measures that will align with ADA guidelines and current building codes requirements. Further, these upgrades/renovations will not only make the facility safe, but also provide handicap accessibility for our facility users. Quotes for this project have been receive from two local Beeville professional renovation/construction companies. The quotes include, replacing antiquated sanitary and water distribution systems, installing floor and wall tiles and painting the walls above the tiles in both restrooms, removing the existing urinal trough and replacing it with two single urinals with partitions, removing outdated plumbing fixtures, installing toilet partitions, replacing the vanity in the women restrooms, installing new entrance doors in both restrooms, and reinstalling exposed electrical conduit and boxes inside the walls. The total amount estimated to complete this project will range from $40,0000-$45,000. Therefore, gaining your funding assistance will allow us to complete this needed upgrade/renovation project, and ultimately enable Beeville community users to enjoy the Charles Major Lytle American Legion facility to its fullest.